External training
As an extension of our policy of prevention of labour risks, we believe very important professionalism, training, and experience of the personnel involved in the production process. In this sense, we wanted to give our workers and even non-staff our company of both theoretical and practical knowledge for manipulation of mobile cranes.
(OGMA) mobile crane operator course
For this purpose we have accredited us to the Generalitat de Catalunya to impart theoretical and practical courses for operators of self-propelled cranes. The aim of these courses is the acquire certification to ensure the mounting and use of mobile cranes autopropulsasdas, following the complementary technical instruction ITC MIE-AEM4 of the regulation of lifting and materials relating to self-propelled cranes handling devices. The courses are structured in two paragraphs, the theoretical and the practical; following the agenda which is attached a diagram below:
The time distribution on the basis of the claimed accreditation is as follows:
- Meat (cranes up to 130 tons) type: 75 hours theoretical + 225 practice hours.
- Meat type B (cranes from 130 tons): 150 hours theoretical + practical 300 hours.
Courses are scheduled regularly coinciding with calls for the official examinations of the Department of industry. If you want to be informed of the beginning of the same in future editions or you want to contact us to discuss any aspect of this formation, filled this form